When we are new, or just sometimes every Fall, there is a lot of pressure to make sure our rooms look perfect. As much as I’ve shown you in this series a bunch of (what I consider) pretty forms, the reason I use them is because I get very easily overwhelmed when things are overstimulating and out of place.
The truth is, our kids are going to feel the same way. Up until a few years ago, I had a bunch of visuals covering my walls-something for everyone-whole body listening, zones of regulation, feelings, prompts for problem solving-if you could need it in a moment of crisis, it was on my wall. But I started to notice, however, that my kids couldn’t easily find what they needed because there was too much.

So my last tip is this, if you have a ton of visuals hanging on your walls, consider their use. If you don’t, don’t stress. Add what you need as things go along.
Instead of hanging all of these up, I keep them in a folder or binder I can pull out quickly for each group.
What’s your take on visuals?