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I still have another good solid month before school starts, but I know some of you are headed back sooner! I wanted to share a BIG roundup of my favorite things to stock up on as a new or seasoned School Psychologist. My number one tip though: don’t go too wild! You never know what your specific position and school district will offer and have, and you have an entire career to stock up on all this stuff!
1. Essentials of Report Writing | 2. Think Social | 3. A Still Quiet Place |
4. Smart but Scattered | 5. Lost at School | 6. Writing Useful, Accessible and Legally Defensible Psychoeducational Reports | 7. The Whole-Brain Child| 8. The School Psychologist’s Survival Guide |9. Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? | 10. Classwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
1. Colored pens for correcting reports | 2. Post It Notes | 3. Astrobrights Paper | 4. A Paper Storage Solution | 5. Personal Laminator | 6. Laminating Sheets | 7. Timer | 8. Colored File Folders | 9. Drawer Organizers | 10. Storage for activities
1. Social Thinking | 2. What to do When Series | 3. Zones of Regulation | 4. Julia Cook books | 5. RULER | 6. Superflex | 7. Think Good, Feel Good | 8. MindUP | 9. The Incredible 5 Point Scale | 10. Girls In Real Life Situations
1. Jenga | 2. Suction Ball anything | 3. UNO | 4. Connect 4 | 5. Mad Dragon | 6. Mini Basketball | 7. Super Duper Pragmatic Game Set | 8. Poppers of any kind | 9. Legos | 10. Headbanz
1. Kinetic Sand | 2. Theraputty | 3. A Feelings Poster | 4. People for Students to Express themselves with | 5. Visuals for Calming | 6. Calming Tools | 7. Art Supplies | 8. Glitter Jar | 9. Fidgets | 10. Calming Music
And there you have it! I have used and loved all of these things. What are your favorites?