Woohoo, halfway there! How is your Summer going? I hope it’s relaxing!
Today I wanted to share with you the second tool I keep on my desk everyday, on a clipboard-my daily student log!
As the main person the my building to handle student behavior/social-emotinoal issues, I see kids on my caseload, but also, regular education kiddos who are having trouble, kids who are dysregulated at recess, or (always) those kids having difficulty with friendship drama. It can be really difficult to keep track of. That’s why I use this sheet, to write a quick note about every student I see each day. This has come in hand SO MANY TIMES, especially with kids who aren’t regularly on my caseload, when we are trying to figure out how often they are needing assistance, if things are escalating during a certain time period, etc.
I really like this method, and it is super quick and easy. Here are some tips that I use that help!
- Print off a bunch and keep them on your clipboard. If I have time at the start of the day, I’ll write down all the names of the kiddos I plan to see. Then, I add in the non-scheduled ones as I go.
- It helps me to have a place to mark off if a student is absent or I didn’t see them for some reason. This comes in really handy when I do billing for
M edicaid each month! - I keep the old daily logs at the back of my clipboard, and then at the end of the month, I scan them, save them to my computer, and shred the paper copies.
- I made a little code for myself of what I use most-S (scheduled), NS (not scheduled), MISS (missed) or OTH (other).
- On days when I am not in, I still write that one a sheet. For example, I’ll still date it 6/1/19 and made a big line across the paper and write “ADOS TRAINING”. That way, when I go back to see why I don’t have any notes from that day, I know why!
- I try my best to do this as I go along each day, but definitely only get to it at the end of the day, or the next morning sometimes. That’s okay!
- This is really helpful to use when planning your next sessions. I very frequently look back on this to see “…what did we do again this week?”
How about you, what do you do to keep track of all the students you see?
Find what I use in Keep Calm Freebies or create your own!