How do you keep track of

Now, I am in more of pencil and paper stage, so I needed something where I could write down notes
- When I used one notepad for everything, I became overwhelmed and could never find when my last meeting was when I needed to look back.
- If I had “
to dos ” or things to follow up from after the meeting, I would either write it on apost it or in the notebook. If it was in the notebook, I often forgot, and I always lost the post its! - I like keeping all of my student’s information together…all of Noelle’s
informatino in one place, all of Chris’ in another.
A year and a half ago, I found a system that worked well for me. I have a seperate “meeting notes” sheet. I make a bunch of copies and grab one before I head to a meeting. There is a seperate space on it to write follow up tasks. When I’m done, I file it in the student’s folder or binder. You could also scan and upload it to your computer!

You can find my template here in Keep Calm Freebies! What do you use? Let me know!