Let me paint you a little picture. You’ve finally finished testing a student. You score all the protocols, sit down and are ready to bang out this report. You’re in a quiet space (maybe your couch or office), and you are settled. You start typing and realize…UGH…you forgot to get any background information on the student!
This has happened to me one too many times with students I am reevaluating for special education services. With initials, I almost always have a developmental history to help, but not with these. So, I created a little “cheat sheet” for myself. I take it into the office one day and spend 15 minutes gathering this information to help me write a report.
What is it? A quick summary sheet you can fill out and stick in your evaluation folder that summarizes the student’s past special education record and information you need to include in your report.
How do I use it? I check it off on my evaluation sheet as something I need to complete whenever I am evaluating a student who is already receiving special education services. Like I mentioned above, I spend about 15 minutes going through their information in the office and jotting down what is important.
Create it: What information do you include when you summarize background for your reeva
Or Use Mine: I use the form above, and again, print off a bunch on brightly colored Astrobrite paper, and keep it in my file drawer. Find
So, in closing, create or print off this quick and easy form that will help you tremendously when you sit down to write your report!