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Hey all! Hope everyone is wrapping up the school year or enjoying their summer vacation! Today’s form is one I would definitely recommend carving out time for, even if you don’t grab everything I suggest during this organization camp series.

What is it? A template for conducting classroom observations in preparation for evaluations, SST meetings, or just general student observation requests.

How do I use it? I have a big file folder of these blank forms in my file drawer, printed on bright yellow or white paper. Whenever I head to a classroom to observe a student, I grab one, no matter what the reasoning or behavior I’m looking for is. It reminds me to look for certain things and get all of the information I need, and then a reference point I can go back to when I’m writing up my observations.
Create it: I had gone through a bunch of different observation forms and formats and didn’t find one that I loved, so I went through and made a list of all of the information I needed for each (like teacher, time, subject), the behaviors I was looking for, notes about the envionment and more, and then left space to write down the “in the moment” ideas I have about impactful behaviors or suggestions for intervention. You can do the same!
Or use mine: You can find the one I use in my Keep Calm Freebies section.

This is one I promise you will use if you have it, so go ahead and create or save!