At the end of the year, I try to do as much as possible to prep for the upcoming year before running for the door and yelling “school’s out for the summmmmmmerrrr!!!”
Mainly, this consists of the following:
- Getting my office cleaned up and organized as much as possible (aka finding tiny families of spiders in corners, collecting all the little lego pieces hiding under furniture).
- Organizing all of my computer files:
- You never know what can happen over the summer, and I always make sure that before I leave, I have all my student files organized on my drive, as well as folders that contain activities, etc.
- Making our SPED chart for next year:
- The beginning of the year is always a crazy time, and I like to make sure that I’m prepared going in with a list of kids we have, and what evaluations and meetings we need to start prepping for immediately. I feel one step ahead every Fall for doing this, and it’s completely worth it.
- Prepping my 504 Plans for the next year:
- It seems like there are so many 504 plans now, and at the beginning of the year, I like to check in with my teachers about students with 504’s before the year starts. Since there are only like 3 days to do this, I don’t know how I would get it done beforehand without doing this ahead of time. Every June, I print out all of the plans and a cover sheet for the next years teachers. I also print out a copy of each one for our specialists. In August, I just have to do through and update them with any easy changes that happened over the summer. This has been SUCH a timesaver.
What do you do to prepare?